Guice Book Released!

March 28, 2008
I should really get some sleep, but I can't wait to get the word out. The book I was working on "Google Guice: Agile Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework" has gone live! It's available in ebook and print-on-demand formats.
Guice Book

Apart from the title, I think the book reflects the fact that I'm a no-nonsense guy. I'm just like you, interested in new technology and I want to see this Guice thing in action. They did that with dependency injection? Hell yes; let's see why they did it, and who they killed to get there (just kidding :-)).

So, months later I look on Amazon, and see this:

You can get my humble work together with the best Java book ever. That alone was so worth it :-)

Thanks again to Apress, Bob, Dhanji and the Guice community: I couldn't have done it without you.